
Objective And Function of Women's Grievance Cell

Women's Grievance Cell is intended to protect and promote the well-being of all female staff and students at the college. It handles any complaints from students on campus during college hours. It also addresses any instances of misbehaviour by a person in authority. The cell is in charge of investigating any complaints received by students or college staff.

  • Address issues related to gender discrimination, harassment, or any form of injustice faced by women.
  • Educate women about their rights and equip them with the knowledge and confidence to navigate challenging situations.
  • Investigate complaints of harassment or discrimination thoroughly and objectively.
  • Help women access legal resources and support if they choose to pursue legal action.
  • Organize workshops and campaigns to raise awareness about women's rights, prevention of harassment, and available resources.
  • Regularly monitor the work environment for any issues and report on progress towards creating a safer and more equitable space for women.
  • Provide a safe and confidential space for women to file concerns. This is critical because it allows women to come forward without fear of retaliation, ensuring their safety.
  • Provide guidance and support to women who are being harassed or discriminated against. Counselling services, legal aid, and guidance through the complaint procedure may all be provided.
  • Educate women about their rights and available resources. This can be accomplished through workshops, lectures, and awareness campaigns.
  • To conduct orientation programs for new students and employees;
  • The Women's Grievance Cell works to incorporate hygiene habits and maintain a healthy atmosphere within the institution.
  • To organize workshops and awareness programmes at regular intervals for sensitizing students and staff members of the institute with the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention prohibition and Redressal) act 2013


S.No Name of the Staff Branch Designation
1 Dr.P.S.N.Murty, Principal ECE Chairperson
2 Mrs. K.KanthiKinnera, Assoc prof, & HOD ECE Co-Ordinator
3 Mrs.S.Priyanka, Assoc.Professor CE Member
4 Mrs.N.Nirmala, Asst.Professor EEE Member
5 Mrs.Preseela, Asst.Professor MBA Member
6 Mrs.T.Jyothi, Asst.Professor BS&H Member


S.No Roll number Name of the Student Year Branch Role
1 206E1A0102 D.ANUSHA IV Year BTECH-CE Member
2 206E1A0408 D.HARIKA IV Year BTECH-ECE Member
3 206E1A0208 C.PRAVALLIKA IV Year BTECH-CE Member
4 226E1A0516 J.ANUSHA II Year BTECH-CSE Member